SUNDAYS: In-Person 10:30 am & 6:00 pm | Livestream 10:30 am

Helping people find rest in Christ

Our Ministries
Faith Baptist is a Christ-centered Bible teaching church. It is our purpose to exalt the name of Jesus, to equip the saints and to evangelize the lost.
As the body of Christ, we are called to share the love of Christ by going outside the walls of the church building and into the community.
Community Food Pantry
East Lincoln Christian Ministries
Christian Ministries of Lincoln County
“Souper” Bowl Drive, Sunday of Super Bowl
Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen Drive
Food Box Packing
Baptist’s Children’s Home Annual Food Roundup
Appalachian Christmas Outreach
Thanksgiving Dinner for Families in Need
East Lincoln Middle School Backpack Ministry
East Lincoln Middle School Annual Back To School Supplies for children in need
Special Children’s Events
Labor Day BBQ
Adopt Christmas Angels
Red Cross Blood Drive
Lincoln County Prison Ministry
India Ministry
Operation "In As Much"
NC Missions Offering
Gideons Bible Ministry
Heartbeats East Lincoln Pregnancy Center
Operation Christmas Child Samaritan Purse Shoeboxes
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Annual Blood Drive
Vacation Bible School- Preschool to Youth
Baptist Men
Faith Baptist Men's Ministry serves our church members, our local community and the community at large. They meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month for bible study and to plan projects.
Women’s Embrace
Embrace is a group of women who wish to serve our congregation, our community and beyond.
Embrace Women meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month for a time of fellowship, devotion, and to plan for various events.
The senior citizens group is very active. They meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month for a time of fellowship. Special events are planned throughout the year.
Children and Youth
At Faith we are committed to reaching children and youth with the love of Christ and teaching them about Jesus.
Children and youth are encouraged to attend Sunday School (during the SS hour). Children's Church is offered for children ages five to fifth grade.
reformed baptist in china grove
confessional baptist
southern baptist church in china grove
Rowan County Church
Baptist Church
baptist churches in china grove nc
Gospel preaching